Cattle trough in Ntoroko as a strategy to avert River Semuliki degredation

In a bid to avert River Semuliki degradation, several Cattle Troughs have been constructed in
areas adjacent to River SemulikI in order to enable cattle farmers to use them as safe drinking
places for their cows.
It was observed that Farmers were grazing next to the River and Cows were drinking water
directly from River SemulikI which was a bad sanitation practice.
“Cattle need a constant supply of clean water for optimal health and productivity. Troughs
provide a reliable way to ensure that cattle always have access to water. Troughs improve
hygiene by keeping water and feed off the ground, reducing contamination by dirt, manure,
and urine. This decreases the risk of diseases caused by bacteria or parasites” explained
Edgar Muganzi the Executive Director NRDI.
With Support from Ministry of Water and Environment, NRDI has constructed Troughs in
more than 10 sites in Ntoroko District which are communally used. The communities where
these Troughs are constructed are supported with a livelihood income generating activity
where they obtain money that they use for repairs of the water facility in case of need.
“We always select a committee that oversees the water facility to ensure its sustainability,
these committees are directly controlled by the District community development
Department,” explained Mr. Muganzi.